Citing Online Drug Information Resources: Clinical Pharmacology

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by Cindy Schmidt, M.D., M.L.S

Created 07/2014

Updated 07/2019



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This tutorial will help you gather the information needed to cite a Clinical Pharmacology monograph.


AMA 10th template for Frequently Updated Online Resources

Clinical Pharmacology monographs do not have chapter/monograph authors. 

In the AMA 10th style, the bibliography entry for an authorless, online monograph is formatted as shown below:

Article/chapter/monograph title. In: Resource Title. Publisher's city, Publisher's State: Publisher's name. web address. Updated _______. Accessed Month date, year.

As a student in Introduction to Drug Information (PHPR 562), you will use the bibliographic management program Zotero to help you create formatted citations and bibliography entries, but you will still have to gather the information needed for the citation and enter it in a Zotero record.

AMA 10th template for Frequently Updated Online Resources

To keep track of the information you gather today, you will enter it in a Canvas quiz.  The quiz is set to allow you to view the information you enter at any time.  You will be able to use your answers to create a Zotero record for the  tomorrow.

Go to Canvas and open the Week 1--

"Written Monograph -- Major Online Drug Information Resource Selection"

-- quiz.  Click the --

"Take the Quiz"

-- button. 


Resource Title

The first quiz question asks which major online drug information resource you have chosen to use as a source for your monograph assignment.

If you are using this tutorial, you have chosen to use 

Clinical Pharmacology

Clinical Pharmacology web address

When you search an online resource, the web address that appears in the browser's address box is often session-specific. A session-specific web address will not be helpful to someone looking at your bibliography.

Therefore, it's fine to just provide the web address for the resource's homepage and assume that your reader will be able to search for the specific article you've cited.

To obtain the address you need:

1. Go to the Library's homepage (should be present on the right-hand side of this window).

2. Click on the "Drug Resources" button.

screenshot of McGoogan Library homepage with arrow pointing to Drug Resources link

3. Right-click on the link to Clinical Pharmacology and select the "copy link location" option (worded slightly differently in some browsers).

A screenshot of the drug resources link list. An arrow points to the "Clinical Pharmacology" link and a second arrow points to the "copy link location" option.

4. Paste the web address into the question 2 answer box.


Monograph Title

To find the monograph title, you will, of course, need to find the monograph.

Left click on the Clinical Pharmacology link

screenshot of Drug Resources page with arrow pointing to Clinical Pharmacology

Login with your UNMC NetID if asked to do so.

Enter the name of your monograph assignment drug in the search box and hit the search button. 

The screenshots in the tutorial will show a search for Zoloft and the Zoloft monograph.  Do not search for Zoloft unless it is the monograph topic you have claimed.

Monograph Title

To access a monograph concerning use in all populations click the "A" button.   To access a monograph concerning use in pediatric populations click the "P" button.

A screenshot of the search results for "Zoloft". An arrow points to the "A" and "P" buttons. The "US Drug Prodcuts" results are crossed out.


Do not click on a link to one of the "US Drug Products" records.  These records provide very little information.

Article/Chapter/Monograph Title

In Clinical Pharmacology, the title appears above the monograph tab/s. As shown below:

Screenshot of the location of the monograph title.

Enter the title of your monograph assignment drug's Clinical Pharmacology monograph in the answer box for Quiz question 3.

Updated Date

The date of last update for Clinical Pharmacology monographs is not clear cut. Each monograph section has an updated date.

Click on the "Indications/Dosage" link in the navigation column on the left side of the page (see upper arrow in screenshot below). 

Scroll to the bottom of the "Indications/Dosage" section to see the "Revision Date"

Screenshot of the Zoloft monograph. Arrows point to the "Indications/Dosage" section and the "Description/Classification" section. A square surrounds the revision date for the "Indications/Dosage" section.

Now click the link to the "Description/Classification" section and check its "Revision Date."  It's likely that the two dates are different.

Rather than going through all the monograph sections to find the most recent revision date for your monograph, you can simply enter --


-- as an update "date" in response to quiz question 4.



Most online resources provide the publisher's name in the webpage footer.

Scroll to the bottom of the page.

Screenshot shows the publisher's name.

You will see the publisher's name next to the copyright date.  Enter the publisher's name in response to quiz question 5.

Publisher's Location

The publisher's location is sometimes shown next to the publisher's name.  When this is not the case, try to find a "Contact Us" link.

In this case, clicking the "Contact Us" link leads to a page that includes phone contacts for general regions, but not specific cities. 

A Google search for -- Elsevier locations -- would you lead you to a webpage with many possible locations with no indication of which is more important.   For this reason, I'll tell you that -- 

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

-- is is the worldwide headquarters for Elsevier.  Go ahead and use this as the publisher's location when you respond to quiz question 6.

Accessed Date

Finally, enter today's date in response to question 7.  


What if you were not going to use Zotero?

Tomorrow you will create a Zotero record using the information you have gathered.  Zotero will make it easy to insert numbered in-text citations and to create a formatted bibliography. 

If you were not going to use a program like Zotero, you would need to substitute the information you've gathered into the bibliography template for this type of reference.  The template is as follows:

Article/chapter/monograph title. In: Resource Title. Publisher's city, Publisher's State: Publisher's name. web address. Updated _______. Accessed Month date, year.

Substituting the information from the tutorial's sample search produces the following bibliography entry (keep in mind that I updated the tutorial in July):

Sertraline Zoloft. In: Clinical Pharmacology. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, Inc. Updated periodically. Accessed July 15 2019.

Next Assignment

During the next assignment, you will choose a monograph/chapter from a printed book to cite.  There is no printed version of Clinical Pharmacology. Consequently, you may choose any of the suggested, printed books as your print source.